Fort Worth Trespassing Lawyer

Tarrant County Trespassing Attorney Serving Texas
Burglary and trespassing sound very different, but the two offenses are closely related. The main difference between being charged with felony burglary and misdemeanor trespassing is what you may have intended to do after unlawfully entering another's property. Burglary is charged when the prosecution believes you meant to commit a secondary crime. Otherwise, the lesser, but still serious, offense of trespassing is typically charged.
The Dameron Law Firm is skilled at building strong legal defenses for those accused of these crimes, from the least serious forms of trespassing to the most serious aggravated burglaries. Our attorneys have the criminal defense experience you need to minimize your risk of facing the harsh sentencing Texas is known for. Whether you are charged with the misdemeanor or felony variant of unlawful entrance, it is important that you take the matter very seriously.
Legal Defense for Misdemeanor Trespassing in Texas
Trespassing could be charged as a Class A, B, or C misdemeanor depending on the circumstances. In some of Texas's sprawling farmland and rural territory, it can be strikingly easy to find yourself on another person's property inadvertently, then be charged with a crime. The definition of trespassing in Texas can be quite broad as well. Even if you remain in a vehicle after being told to leave someone else's property, you could potentially face trespassing charges.
More serious forms of trespassing can be charged as a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in the county jail. Trespasses committed in a habitation or while carrying a weapon usually fall into this category. In Texas, a Class A misdemeanor is punishable by up to a year in the county jail, so if this is the charge you are facing, it is important that you take the situation very seriously.
The Dameron Law Firm is familiar with the wide variety of circumstances and mistakes that can lead to people facing trespassing charges. Whatever may have led to your arrest, our attorneys can offer you a strong legal defense.
Lawyers for Tarrant County Burglary Charges
Burglary is a serious felony. It is charged when a person trespasses, and commits, attempts to commit, or intends to commit any theft, assault, or another felony. While people may think of burglary specifically in terms of breaking into a home, the actual legal definition is much broader. Unlawfully entering or remaining in a building, even if it is open to the public, can lead to burglary charges in Texas, although this scenario is likely to be treated as a state jail felony.
When burglary is committed in a habitation, it automatically becomes a second-degree felony. If you, or any co-defendant, allegedly intended to commit a felony other than theft, you will probably be charged with a first-degree felony. In Texas, a second-degree felony carries two to 20 years in prison, while a first-degree felony conviction can leave you imprisoned for five years all the way up to life.
The Dameron Law Firm may be able to establish a number of defenses for you depending on the circumstances surrounding your alleged crime. If your charge is based on the idea that you merely planned to commit a second crime, a defense strategy based on lack of intent may be viable. In some cases, our attorneys are able to negotiate with the prosecutors to achieve a reduction in charges to misdemeanor trespassing.
Contact a Tarrant County Trespassing Lawyer
The Dameron Law Firm will fight for your trespassing or burglary charge to be reduced to the lowest possible level if it cannot be dismissed. We understand the impact a criminal conviction can have on your life, and we take each defense very seriously. Contact us online or call our law office at 817-222-0624 for a free consultation.