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Craig Dameron Selected as a Top Attorney by 360 West Magazine

 Posted on August 08,2023 in Announcements

download.jpgAt The Dameron Law Firm, we strive to provide the best possible representation for clients in criminal defense cases. Attorney Craig Dameron works to protect the rights of defendants and help them resolve their cases successfully, and he has been recognized for the quality of the legal services he provides. Recently, 360 West magazine named Craig Dameron as one of the top criminal defense attorneys for 2023 in the Fort Worth area. 

360 West is a lifestyle magazine that serves people in the Tarrant County area and residents of North Texas who live to the west of Highway 360. Every year, the magazine compiles a list of the top attorneys in the region who can provide high-quality legal help and representation in various practice areas. Attorneys are selected through a peer-voting process, and inclusion on the list demonstrates that a lawyer is respected by others in the legal community. 

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When Can Carrying Weapons Result in Criminal Charges in Texas?

 Posted on July 19,2023 in Weapons Violations

Untitled-45.jpgPeople in the state of Texas value their Second Amendment rights, and many residents own and carry firearms. However, even though Texas has fewer firearm restrictions than many other states, there are still some laws in place that limit where guns can be carried and prevent certain people from possessing or carrying dangerous weapons. For gun owners in Texas, it is important to understand the laws regarding the carrying of weapons and the potential criminal charges that may apply when a person is accused of violating these laws. Weapons violations may include:

Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon

In Texas, it is illegal to carry handguns in public unless certain requirements are met. A handgun can only be carried in public in plain view of others if it is kept in a holster. A person can carry a handgun in a vehicle if it is kept out of plain view, although if they have a valid handgun license, they may carry a handgun in a holster. Handguns can also generally be carried while a person is on their own property, on someone else’s property with the consent of the owner, or en route to a vehicle or boat. 

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Understanding Drug Charges Related to Methamphetamines in Texas

 Posted on July 06,2023 in Drug Crimes

Untitled-8.jpgThere are multiple types of drugs that are classified as controlled substances, and there are numerous reasons why people in Texas may face drug charges related to the possession or distribution of these substances. In recent years, many drug offenses have been related to methamphetamines, which are regarded as some of the most dangerous and addictive types of drugs. Because of these concerns, those who are accused of possessing, selling, distributing, or manufacturing methamphetamines may face severe penalties if they are convicted. If you have been accused of drug offenses related to meth, an experienced criminal defense attorney can advise you of your options and help you determine how to minimize the potential penalties you may face.

Methamphetamine Offenses in Texas

The Texas Controlled Substances Act classifies methamphetamines in Penalty Group 1. This categorization places meth among the most dangerous and harmful types of illegal drugs. The specific offenses related to methamphetamines may include:

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What Are the Penalties for DWI Resulting in Injury or Death in Texas?

 Posted on June 16,2023 in Criminal Defense

Fort Worth Criminal LawyerDrunk driving is a serious crime, but the specific penalties for driving while intoxicated (DWI) can vary depending on the circumstances of a case. Some of the most serious cases will involve accidents that caused harm to others. If a person is charged with DWI in a situation where they allegedly caused an accident that resulted in someone's serious injury or death, they may face charges of intoxication assault or intoxication manslaughter. Felony charges will usually apply in these situations, and a conviction can result in a prison sentence of multiple years and up to $10,000 in fines, as well as other consequences that can affect a person for the rest of their life. By understanding the specific charges involved in these cases and working with a criminal defense attorney, those who are arrested for DWI can determine how to respond against the charges and how to defend against a conviction.

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When Can a Person Be Accused of Terroristic Threats in Texas?

 Posted on June 02,2023 in Criminal Defense

Fort Worth Violent Crimes LawyerTerrorism is a significant concern in the United States, and law enforcement officials need to be able to respond promptly to any threats to public safety. However, people may not realize that the offense of "terroristic threat" that may apply in certain types of criminal cases in Texas is not limited to acts of terrorism. This offense may be charged in multiple situations where a person makes threats against someone else or acts in a disruptive manner. By understanding the situations where these charges may apply, those who have been accused of these crimes can determine their options for defense.

Terroristic Threat vs. Assault

In some cases, the charge of terroristic threat may apply in situations that people often associate with assault. Under Texas law, assault charges involve the intentional infliction of injuries, but terroristic threat charges may involve threats to commit violence that cause a person to fear that they are in imminent danger of suffering a serious bodily injury. The minimum charge for this offense is a Class B misdemeanor, which carries a maximum sentence of six months in jail and a fine of up to $2,000. If terroristic threats are made against a family member or constitute family violence, a person may be charged with a Class A misdemeanor, and if they are convicted, they may be sentenced to up to one year in jail and fined up to $4,000. Class A misdemeanor charges will also apply if terroristic threats are made against a public servant, and threats against a police officer or judge may result in state jail felony charges. A conviction for a state jail felony may result in a six-month to two-year jail sentence and a maximum $10,000 fine.

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Property Crimes Other Than Theft That May Be Charged in Texas

 Posted on May 16,2023 in Criminal Defense

Fort Worth Property Crimes LawyerThe general category of property crimes includes offenses that involve damaging, tampering with, or stealing another person's property. While theft is one of the most common property crimes, there are other related crimes that may be charged in addition to or instead of theft. It is important for criminal defendants who have been accused of property crimes to understand the Texas laws that may apply to them, including the specific offenses they are being charged with and the potential penalties of a conviction. If you are in this situation, a criminal defense attorney can help you understand your options and provide effective representation as you defend against property crime charges.

Offenses Against Property in Texas

While many property crimes will involve stealing property or otherwise depriving the owner of the right to own and possess property that is rightfully theirs, some offenses may involve damage to property or entering property illegally. Some common charges that may apply in these situations include:

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How Does Texas Law Address Underage Drinking and Driving?

 Posted on May 01,2023 in Criminal Defense

Fort Worth Criminal Defense LawyerTexas has strict laws when it comes to underage drinking and driving. Underage drinking is a serious issue in Texas and many other states, and a number of accidents, injuries, and deaths occur every year when minors or others attempt to drive while they are intoxicated. Because of this, Texas law enforcement is cracking down on underage drinking, enforcing strict laws and imposing severe penalties on minors who drink and drive. For those who are under the age of 21, it is important to understand the potential penalties of a DUI or DWI arrest.

Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol by a Minor

In Texas, as in many other states, the Driving While Intoxicated legal limit for blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08 percent. However, for minors, Texas has a zero-tolerance policy regarding drinking and driving. This means that a driver who is under the age of 21 and is found to have any trace of alcohol in their system can be charged with DUI.  An adult can be charged only with DWI, but a minor could be charged with DUI or DWI, depending on the level of intoxication.

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What Are the Penalties for Distributing Marijuana Products in Texas?

 Posted on April 17,2023 in Criminal Defense

Tarrant County Marijuana Charges LawyerTexas law is very strict when it comes to drug offenses, and marijuana is no exception. Even though this substance has been legalized in several other states, and it is generally considered to be no more harmful than alcohol, it continues to be treated as an illegal controlled substance in the Lone Star State. Residents of Texas could potentially face charges related to both marijuana and products containing THC. While possession of these substances can result in significant penalties, the consequences of a conviction for delivery of marijuana or THC products can be even more severe. If you have been arrested or charged with distributing marijuana products in Texas, you could be facing jail time, fines, and a criminal record that can follow you for years.

Criminal Charges for Marijuana Delivery

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When Is Theft or Shoplifting Charged as a Felony in Texas?

 Posted on April 03,2023 in Criminal Defense

Fort Worth Criminal Defense LawyerThere are a variety of offenses that can result in criminal charges in Texas, and some of the most common cases involve accusations of theft. While some cases, such as those in which a person is accused of shoplifting, may seem to be minor, any criminal charge should be taken seriously, since a person may face severe fines, imprisonment, and a tarnished record. As a person accused of theft, your future, your career, and your personal life could all be at stake. Depending on the value of the goods or services that were allegedly stolen, Texas law may classify theft and shoplifting charges as felonies.

Felony Theft Charges

In Texas, criminal offenses may be classified as misdemeanors or felonies. A misdemeanor is considered to be a less serious crime that is punishable by up to one year of imprisonment, while a felony is a serious crime that is typically punishable by more than two years in prison. Texas law defines theft as the appropriation of someone else’s money or property without their consent and with the intent of depriving the owner of the ability to possess and use property that is rightfully theirs.

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Are You Automatically Convicted of DWI if You Fail a Breathalyzer in Texas?

 Posted on March 15,2023 in Criminal Defense

tarrant county dwi defense lawyerWhile each case is different, most DWI arrests follow a predictable pattern: The driver sees red and blue flashing lights in his or her rearview mirror and pulls to the side of the road. Police request his or her license and insurance and ask a series of questions. Usually, one of these questions is, "Have you been drinking?"

If the driver answers affirmatively or the police officer suspects that the driver has consumed alcohol, the officer conducts a Driving While Intoxicated investigation.   If the driver is arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI) the driver will be asked to provide a sample of breath or blood.  

Many people who have failed a breath test have questions about what happens next. They wonder whether they will automatically be convicted of DWI or if there is any way to fight the charge.

Fighting a DWI Charge with a Failed Breath Alcohol Test

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